Vedapure Shilajit Resin Form (25 gm)

was ₹1,999.00 Special Price ₹1,099.00
Seller: HCSR Retail Pvt Ltd
Availability: In stock
Vedapure presents Natural and Pure Raw Shilajit in resin form. It enhances your stamina, strength and power, and acts as an anti-ageing solution for maintaining young and supple skin. This is a vegetarian product.

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Natural and Pure Ayurvedic Raw Shilajit Resin by Vedapure stimulates the growth process of skin cells at a molecular level. Shilajit improves the blood’s ability to carry oxygen and iron. These properties of shilajit give people a healthy appearance and youthful glow. Likewise, shilajit’s minerals help maintain the body’s optimum energy metabolism rate which naturally slows down with age. This is achieved partly by balancing electrolyte levels, and by burning off excess fat. Ayurveda practitioners tout its ability to balance hormone levels that change and cause stress as we age. Vedapure shilajit also supports metabolism, bones, muscles, kidneys and the immune system. It acts as a unique body tonic that revitalizes numerous body functions. Shilajit is considered as a dietary supplement and a natural source for all minerals needed by the body. This is a vegetarian product.

More Information
SKU SEN741-Shilajit-resin
Country of Origin India
Shelf Life Best before 24 Months from the date of manufacturing
Return Policy Non Returnable
Product Weight 25 gm
Brand Vedapure
Safety Instructions Seniority does not claim that this product alters/cures/eliminates etc any disease/pain.
The users are advised to seek a Dietitian/Physician/Nutritionist's opinion on dosage before consuming any such product.
  • 100% natural
  • Vegetarian
  • Semi-liquid form (resin)
  • No added preservatives
  • An energy production powerhouse
  • Rich in electrolytes
Seller Name Vedapure Naturals Private Limited
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