What is Cataract?– Everything You Need to Know

What is Cataract?– Everything You Need to Know

Does the word “Cataract” conjure up images of surgery, a troubled long recovery, black coke glasses and a feeling of dependency? Well, you would be relieved to know that all these things are a matter of the past! Today, cataract can be handled with a quick, simple and absolutely safe surgery.


What is cataract?

About Catarct





Cataract, common after 50, is characterized by cloudy vision or not being able to see clearly. It develops when protein builds up in the natural lens of our eye – making us feel like we are looking through a cloudy lens or as if a thin veil has been drawn in front of our eyes. Apart from this, we might also experience the following cataract symptoms –


  • The light from the sun or any other form of bright light might feel too bright or glaring

  • While driving at night, the glare from oncoming vehicles’ headlights might cause a more diffused glare than before

  • You might find it difficult to see in dim or very bright lights

  • Colors may appear faded or not as bright as before.

Difference between normal eye and cataract

The symptoms largely depend on the types of cataract one might have, hence not all might experience similar symptoms.

Types of cataracts include


  • Subcapsular Cataract  This occurs at the back of the lens. People with diabetes or those on high doses of steroids are at a greater risk of developing a subcapsular cataract.

  • Nuclear Cataract This type occurs deep in the central zone of the lens. Nuclear Cataract is mostly associated with aging.

  • Cortical Cataract  In this cataract, white wedge-like opacities start from the periphery of the lens and move inwards towards the center in the form of a spoke.

What happens during Cataract surgery?


Now a hospital stay isn’t required for Cataract surgery, most of the time – it is usually done on an out-patient basis. As long as you are in good health, these surgeries are quite uneventful and don’t take more than an hour to complete – if not less. Usually, before the surgery, local anesthetic drops are used to numb the eye. A tiny incision is made near the cornea with the help of a Femto laser. The cataract is then broken and gently suctioned out from here. Finally, a new lens is inserted, giving you a cleaner, clearer vision again.

Precautions after the surgery






Cataract surgery procedure

A few do’s and don’ts to be followed after the surgery


  • During the first week post-surgery, avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting.

  • Do not splash water in your eyes and avoid swimming.

  • Preferably stay indoors

  • Don’t undertake any activity where you might be exposed to dust, pollen or other contaminants that might irritate your eyes.

  • Don’t rub your eyes

  • Avoid driving and exercising or bending down.

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