Complete Pet Care Guide for Dogs and Cats

Complete Pet Care Guide for Dogs and Cats


 As you take precautionary and preventive measures to ensure that you stay away from contracting illnesses and diseases, it is equally important for pet owners to do the same for their furry friends. The rainy season brings with it a lot of risk of infections, so it is vital that your pets are taken good care of during this cold, humid and wet spell. 


Fevers and infections are very common during the monsoon because of the elevated levels of humidity and moisture in the air. The heaviness in the atmosphere can raise the humidity, which in turn makes the emergence and spreading of infections very easy.  Digestive problems, unclean environments and lack of physical activity can also lead to a whole lot of serious conditions and illnesses. 


This guide will help you understand the common problems that pets and pet owners face during the monsoons and provide tips to deal with them. We have also handpicked a few pet-friendly products and pet-care supplies that you can stock up to deal with the rains. Read on!


First things first. 


Here is a list of the most common and potentially-dangerous conditions that pets can develop during cold and wet weather




-Parvovirus diarrhea


- Hepatitis

-Foot Wounds

-Bugs, ticks, and fleas


There is no alternative to vaccinations. If you haven’t been sticking to your pet’s vaccination schedule, this season demands that you make a quick visit to your vet and get your dog or cat vaccinated. You can also consult the doctor to gauge what collars, powders or lotions are good for the prevention of common diseases amongst pets during the rainy season. 


Warmth and dryness 


The first thing to do is to ensure that your pets are kept dry and warm since the temperatures fall quickly and substantially after the summers. Make sure your dog or cat has easy access to the dry and warm places in your house. It is also important to keep your pets dry, in case they have been exposed to the rain. Keep a few soft and clean towels handy – pat your pet dry every time they enter the house after being outdoors. It is also crucial that the temperature inside the house is regulated and not too cold. The floors and walls go really cold during monsoons, so keep dry rugs, mattresses, and bedding at different places in your home, where the pet can comfortably sit or sleep. When selecting the right bedding for your pet, make sure you pick one that:


-Is easy to clean

-Provides optimal support to your pet

-Is large enough for your dog or cat to roll around in

-Extremely comfortable and easy on the skin

-Features an anti-skid base


Here are a few stylish and comfortable bedding options for your cats and dogs


-Racing Pet Bed with Washable Cover (Medium) – Pet Glam

Racing pet bed with washable cover

-Star Pet Bed with Anti-Skid Bottom & Washable Cover (Medium) – Pet Glam

Star Pet Bed with Anti-Skid Bottom & Washable Covers (Medium) - Pet Glam

-Scottish Dog and Cat Washable Pet Bed (Small) – Pet Glam

Scotitsh Dog and Cat Washable Pet Bed


Skin and fur


Unlike humans, animals tend to retain a lot of moisture in their skin and fur. This can lead to a wide range of skin infections and diseases. It is best to maintain a regular cleaning and bathing routine for your pets. Use a reliable antiseptic conditioning shampoo with warm water to bathe your pets and make sure you pat them dry after their bath with a soft towel. While cats are known to be averse to water and self-sufficient in terms of licking themselves clean, it is equally important for cat owners to clean them once in a while to ensure that their fur stays healthy and clean and groom them. You can also use a pet fur remover to get rid of any loose or excessive hair and fur on your pet. If you notice that your pet’s coat has become noticeably dull in color and appearance, see your vet immediately. 




The neck area, especially amongst dogs and puppies, can react in different ways to collars and leashes that have been in use for a long time. It is not a bad time to think about replacing the dog collar and leash that you use. Pick a collar and leash that is adjustable, durable, comfortable, made from breathable fabric, and features rust-free buckles. 


-Liberty Printed Dog Collar Leash Set – Pet Glam

Liberty printed dog collar leash set - Pet Glam

-Aztec Wonders Dog Collar Leash Set – Pet Glam

Aztec Wonders Dog Collar Leash Set - Pet Glam

-Space Walk Printed Dog Collar with Adjustable Metal Buckle – Pet Glam

Space Walk Printed Dog Collar with Adjustable Metal Buckle - Pet Glam




Just like we take extra care and caution when we talk about what food we should eat and what we must avoid during the rains, it is essential that pets are treated the same way. Find out from your vet what foods are to be steered clear of during monsoons and get a deworming session done before it is too late. Worm infestation could potentially lead to conditions like general debility anorexia or anemia. Usually, a fiber-rich diet should help your pets maintain good metabolism and prevent indigestion or worms. Stagnant water can also attract germs and lead to stomach infections. It helps to boil the water that your pets drink, in order to get rid of any contamination in it. Also ensure that the plates, bowls, and containers your dogs and cats eat food and drink water from are kept clean. 


-Plastic Food Bowl for Dogs – Pet Nest

Plastic Food Bowl For Dogs - Pet Nest

-Six Port Bird Feeder (Pack of 2) – Pet Nest

Six Port Bird Feeder (Pack of 2) - Pet Nest



The ears of cats and dogs are prone to infections due to the moisture content present in the air. It becomes essential to clean your pet’s ears more frequently during the monsoons in order to avert any such ear infections. Schedule a visit to your vet in case you see your pet scratching their ears more than they usually do. You can even buy an ear cleaning product online or from a pet store and clean their ears at home using a cotton swab. Just ensure that you are very careful while doing this yourself since the inside of the ears is a sensitive area. 


Paws and nails

We all know how dirty and germ-infested the soil and streets become when it rains. Pets that step outdoors often during rains are susceptible to getting infected via their paws. The health and cleanliness of your pet’s paws is of utmost importance, since dirty paws may lead to a variety of infections. Clean your pet’s paws using warm water and a clean cloth, cotton swab or soft towel every time they come back into the house. Paw creams, like the one mentioned below, can soothe and soften your pet’s paws, enrich them with essential minerals and also deal with cracks, itching, inflammation, and cuts. You can try out rain boots for your dogs, as long as they are comfortable for them. The nails, too, accumulate a lot of dirt in them. It is advisable to clip your pet’s nails before or at the start of the monsoon. 


-Pet Paw Cream Original – Naturelix 

Pet Paw Cream Original- Naturelix




The dull weather and the heaviness in the air may make your pet feel lazy and lethargic. Don’t we all feel like sleeping a little more during monsoons? It is no different when it comes to dogs and cats. You will find them lazing around for a few extra hours and not being as active as they normally are. While heavy rainfall may prevent you from taking your pet outside for a walk or to play in the park, it is important that they are made to run around and play fetch indoors. Get a few toys that your pets can play with inside the house. And whenever possible, take your dog out for a stroll or a run. Lethargy can quickly lead to obesity and you don’t want your pet to become a huge ball of fur that simply sleeps all day, do you? 


Anxiety and depression


There is nothing more despairing than to see an unhappy pet. It is natural for your pets to feel low and depressed during monsoons – and the weather is to blame. Cats and dogs often show signs of sadness and detachment during this season, so it is important to spend time with them, cuddle them and reward them with little treats for everything they do. Thunderstorms, lightning, and heavy rains can also be quite frightening for your pets, so make sure they aren’t left unattended or outdoors when you know the forecast says there are high chances of storms and showers. Ensure that your furry pal gets your time and attention, and can sneak into your room or under your bed in case they feel scared. Play with them, talk to them and engage them in physical activities to uplift their moods. In case your pet shows too many unusual signs and symptoms of anxiety (including excessive scratching, loud noises, etc.), it is best to consult your vet. On days when the skies are clear, you can take your pets for a long car ride. Make sure your car is comfortable and equipped with the right things to make your pet feel at home even when they are out!


-Waterproof Car Seat Hammock for Pets – Callas

Waterproof car seat hammock for pets - Callas

-Water and Scratch Resistant Aeroback Car Seat Cover (Airplane Print) – Pet Glam

Water and Scratch Resistant Aero Back Car Seat Cover (Airplane Print) - Pet Glam


Team Seniority loves animals! At Seniority, we offer an assortment of pet-friendly and pet care products and ideas that you can browse through and order online, from the comfort of your home. Now that you have a good idea of how to be monsoon-ready and take good care of your pets during the rainy season, shop online at Seniority and stock up for the next couple of months.  


Here’s wishing your little darlings a tail-wagging, warm and cozy monsoon!


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