Summertime Activities for Seniors

Summertime Activities for Seniors

It is that time of the year again when winter has given way for spring to come embrace us. We know you must be quite done with trapping yourselves indoor in an attempt to avoid getting engulfed by the cold. It is time to get out of those blankets, off the bed, and out of the house. Keeping in mind that you would like to refrain from exhaustive, tiresome and draining activities, we have specially picked these few out for you, to try out this season.

1. Eat Outdoors

Fill your soul with fine food. All you foodies, enjoy the age-old pani-puri at the famous street food stall in the city or savor the various cuisines the world has to offer at exquisite restaurants.Panipuri,_Golgappa,_Phuchka

2. Watch a Show

A show can be anything from a movie at the cinema hall to a classical music program to a street theatre. You would be surprised to see the kind of talented people that live in your city and it never hurts to encourage them.

3. Spend Time with Grandkids

It doesn't matter where you go because the whole point is to spend some quality time with the little ones. Take them to the park, to the museum, or for a scoop of ice cream, whatever they prefer and have a lovely bonding session.


4. Attend Seminars

You might have to do a little exploring of such events but there are many cities which have events and seminars especially for senior citizens. For example, a seminar on smartphone assistance for seniors which means you no longer have to rely on your grandkids to show you how to import contacts to and export, from your phones or how to use the hotspot.

5. Go for a Drive

Drive a little towards the outskirts to breathe in some fresher air and cool breeze. Incredible scenery, amazing company, and a great drive is all you need for a successful road trip.


6. Help Around

Indulge in some volunteer work that you would be comfortable with such as teaching underprivileged kids or helping out at the autism centre.

7. Visit a Flea Market

There are flea markets organized all around the year. Get the best home furnishings, vintage artifacts, or pretty clothes for a fraction of the cost or just enjoy the window shopping equivalent of a flea market.Lucknow-Shopping

8. Take up Photography

The world is full of views, expressions, and emotions worth capturing into your camera. Evenings are the best time to go around the city on a quest to find great camera-perfect moments!

9. Get Gardening

The feeling of seeing a seed that you sowed grow into a beautiful flower is indeed very magical. This is the time to plant a garden and have the greenery soothe your eyes. Even if you live in an apartment on the 4th floor, you can still get a few flower pots to enhance the aesthetics of your home.


10. Go on Morning Walks

Be it a calm neighbourhood or a bustling street, there really is a lot you can observe during your early morning walks. Rigorous runners on a mission to tone their bodies, irritated drivers stuck in traffic and little kids in ponytails getting dropped to their school bus stops are just a few of the lot. Besides that, walks are obviously a great form of exercise for you.    

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