Spirituality – Top 5 Spiritual Practices for Seniors

Spirituality – Top 5 Spiritual Practices for Seniors


Interpreted diversely and often debated, ‘spirituality’ itself is one word that needs salvation in the human world. Do some people think that acts of charity, religious rituals, tough treks in search of the lord, just the knowledge of books and renunciation of worldly pleasures is what makes a person spiritual, but is it really so? If not, then what is spirituality, truly? 

Spiritual practices for seniors


Here are a few methods and practices that can help you connect spiritually. 

Breathing Pranayama is an extremely effective way to reach the internal self. Regular practice of pranayama has umpteen benefits such as alleviation from diseases, attainment of peace and quiet, relaxation and spiritual evolution. It is a good idea to join a pranayama session or a yoga class close by.

Senior practicing Pranayama

Meditation The most potent form of self-realization and connection to cosmic energy. Once you get the technique right, you will discover realms that you never thought possible before.

Practice Gratitude Being grateful for the smallest things - good health, efficient function of your body, the positives in life like a good family, a good job or a great boss, the luxury of good food, the tiny coincidences that have pulled you out of situations and so on - all comprise of things that you can practice gratitude upon.

Practice of gratitude

Read more The more books you read about spirituality, the more your understanding deepens but just reading is not enough, it is important to apply those concepts in one’s personal life; only then can any good come out of it.

Senior reading a book

Practice self-observance When you observe yourself as a third person looking from the outside, you are able to catch even the smallest obstacles in the path of your growth. ‘Observe, experiment, and learn’ – the most effective formula of evolution. Once you learn to evolve, you become spiritual.

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