Seniority Health Week: Physician

Seniority Health Week: Physician

World Health Day was on the 7th of April and we at Seniority celebrated last week as Seniority Health Week. Each day we had a specialist-doctor who did live chat with our Seniority community members on various health issues and topics. On 6th April 2019, we had Dr. Vinod Middha - MBBS - Rheumatology, Diabetes & Paediatrics. He resolved all the queries of the community members. Below are the queries asked by our various members, along with the solution.

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Queries and Solution: 


1. Please suggest the foods that should be consumed and the ones that should be completely avoided to keep blood pressure in control?

Ans: Most importantly, try to avoid extra salt in the food, your diet should not contain more than 2gm of salt in your diet chart. Moreover, you should not overcook food and avoid high calorie food. Smoking and drinking should be strictly avoided.


2. What according to you are some common symptoms for low blood pressure?

Ans: Some of the common symptoms of low blood pressure are:

1. Vertigo

2. Sweating

3. Dizziness

4. Weakness

5. Tiredness


3. Please propose some tips to control high and low blood pressure through a diet plan?

Ans: You should control your weight by strict salad diet, also avoid junk and fried food. Add green vegetables and fruits in your diet. Yoga and brisk walking should be practised. Most importantly be stress free.


4. How do you Guide to maintain Blood pressure?

Ans: We control the patient’s BP first by suggesting some medications. We also provide guide plans to maintain BP.


5. Please suggest how should one reduce hypertension?

Ans: To reduce stress one should engage in numerous activities like yoga and exercise to keep oneself cheerful, happy and fit. One should try to be social, engage with people and be stress free.


6. Can you provide some information for seniors to reduce hypertension?

Ans: Seniors should not isolate themselves. They should spend time with other seniors and try to engage in activities so that others can also enjoy well. Stress leads to hypertension and hypertension results in high/low blood pressure so one must live stress free!


7. Can you please suggest some medicines for BP and advise accordingly?

Ans: In case of any medications required, you must consult a physician regarding it.


8. Medicines for BP and other advise.

Ans: Eat healthy and regular physical exercise is a must. Medicines differ from person to person. Hence, consult a physician.


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