Seniors experience a lot of physical and psychological changes in their golden years. While some are a part of the natural aging process, there are other serious changes that can be a cause for concern among older adults.

One of the main issues that seniors often face is the loss of appetite. During the later stages of life, seniors are known to have lower energy levels and are physically less active as well. This generally means that they do not require as much calories as a younger person.
Although this might be one reason for the loss of appetite, there are other psychological changes that seniors face, which may lead to them refusing to eat food. In such cases, hunger boosters for the elderly can be used to take care of their diet.
Causes for Loss of Appetite

Lack of physical activity - This is one of the most common causes for loss of appetite among seniors. A good amount of physical exercise can help boost their appetite and improve their daily lifestyle as well.
Dental problems - Most seniors face oral health issues or dental problems. This often causes difficulty while eating and can lead to situations where seniors have an unpleasant dining experiences.

Loss of taste - Due to their age, seniors often lose their ability to taste. This can have an impact on their appetite and can cause normal food to taste bland as well.
Unable to cook - Seniors who live alone also face a loss of hunger and appetite, as they may find it difficult to prepare their own meals everyday.

Mental health - Mental health issues are quite common among the elderly. Although there are different ways through which seniors can combat depression and anxiety, problems like social isolation often lead to a loss of appetite.
These are some of the causes for loss of hunger among seniors. With that in mind, we have compiled a list of the best hunger boosters for senior citizens. These hunger boosters can help improve their overall diet and may also help in avoiding extreme weight loss in the elderly.
Garcinia Cambogia Pure Extract Capsules - Natures Velvet

These capsules aid fat metabolism, supports normal appetite and helps in maintaining healthy lipid levels as well. It is beneficial for weight management and works as a natural hunger booster for senior citizens.
- Helps to boost energy in weight loss fatigue
- Reduces bad cholesterol
- May control blood sugars
- Promotes healthy appetite
Weight Gainer Protein Powder (Chocolate Flavour) – Pro360

This Weight Gainer Protein Powder by Pro360 contains a rich source of proteins and vitamins. This ensures that all the calories required for the body come from good quality protein-carb matrix. It offers essential carbohydrates, fats, fibres and may be the ideal hunger booster for the elderly.
- May help regain weight
- Acts as complete dietary supplement
- May help improve appetite
- Improves immunity system
World Class Weight Gain Capsules - Sovam

The 100% herbal Weight Gain Capsules by Sovam are formulated with the perfect blend of herbs like semal musli, satawari, gokharu, shilajeet and protein elements. They help with natural weight gain and can improve appetite among the elderly.
- May help treat obesity
- Helps regulate metabolism
- May help body weight naturally
- Does not contain harmful chemicals and preservatives.
Revite General Wellness And Immunity Capsules - CRD Ayurveda

This is a comprehensive daily supplement with a balanced combination of vitamins, minerals and herbs. It acts as an ideal hunger booster for seniors and helps in improving appetite along with overall body weight.
- Improves body's immunity
- Replenishes vitamins and minerals
- Helps in weight gain and body growth
- May protect against various diseases
Ashwagandha Pure Extract Capsules - Seniority

Ashwagandha pure extract capsules by Seniority are a 100% vegetarian herbal supplement. Known to reduce fatigue and stress, these capsules are natural appetite booster. It may also help boost immunity.
- Contains no preservatives
- Allows you to take control of your overall health and well-being
- Acts as natural hunger booster
- Made with pure Ashwagandha extract
Weight Gainer Powder (Chocolate) - Natures Velvet

Build confidence and gain weight with Natures Velvet Weight Gainer. This powder can act as the natural hunger booster for senior citizens as it contains a carb-based formula that helps improve body weight. Also, it effectively helps increase energy level & prevents fatigue.
- Helps in preventing fatigue
- Contains no preservatives, no added sugar, no soy
- Made using natural ingredients
- May prevent muscle breakdown
CLA Weight Management Stimulant Capsules - Alvizia

Alvizia brings to you CLA weight management supplement capsules that help preserve lean muscle and boost metabolism. The capsules promote a healthy weight loss and work as ideal hunger boosters for the elderly.
- Act as a nutraceutical supplement
- May prevent unnatural weight loss among seniors
- Boosts the immune system
- Stimulates healthy weight management

Gain weight easily with this Body First’s weight gainer. Loaded with calories, proteins, enzymes, vitamins and minerals, this weight gainer can act as natural hunger booster for senior citizens. It can help facilitate weight gain, all the while ensuring good health.
- Rich source of vitamins and minerals
- Mix of complex and simple carbs
- Can help with proper weight management
- Promotes healthy appetite
Body Gain Whey Protein Supplement - CRD Ayurveda

Body gain is the perfect source to gain and maintain weight. It contains protein concentrate which is the ideal hunger booster for the elderly. It acts as an ideal nutritional support to boost strength.
- Boosts immune system
- Enhances muscle building
- Rich source of proteins
- Promotes healthy appetite