Is Your Home Grandchildren Ready?

Is Your Home Grandchildren Ready?
Perched proudly on the top of the ‘love list’ of grandparents are grandchildren. And holidays are just the time when grandparents ready themselves and their lives for some quality time with their ‘lifelines’. But, to make your home grandchild friendly is no easy feat. Here are a few tips on how to make your grandkids feel special at your home. 

Have a special play area/corner for them Keep a drawer dedicated to them, where you store their favourite toys. This will make them play in the same area every time, which eventually will save your time on cleaning once they leave. 
Child in play area
 Don’t allow them to take the toys home The toys that are at granny’s place should stay at granny’s place. They will have something special to look forward to when they visit you. And if it absolutely breaks your heart to say no, then keep a small treat ready in the form of their favourite sweet bought specially for such occasions. 
Get new toys Keep adding something new to the toy collection. It can be anything. Something new bought from the store or some vintage toy. This will make the child enjoy his or her time at your home.
Toy collection
Get them to help you Grandkids listen to their grandparents. Ask them to help you with daily chores. Kids love when they are treated like an adult. Dusting, gardening, cooking, cleaning it can be any task. Also, these tasks will keep them entertained and can be a great way to bond.  
Child holding hand of an elder
Keep grandkids away from the electrical opening Safety is extremely important. Plug guards are a must if you have grandkids that crawl or are too young to understand that sockets are dangerous.
Electrical socket
Become millennium grandparents Warming up to the new world will help you connect with your grandchildren better. Surprise them with the jargon they understand and see how well they bond with you. 
grandfather playing video game with child

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