A guide to hearing aids specially curated for you

A guide to hearing aids specially curated for you

In India alone, the number of people with hearing disabilities are in the range of 1.8 to 7 million people (range is due to inefficient census system). Why do so many people suffer from this disability? What are the major reasons behind hearing loss? Causes of Hearing Loss Many natural and unnatural causes can be attributed to hearing loss. Here are some of them:

  • Presbycusis or weak hearing ability with age
  • Extensive sound pollution
  • Improper or Ototoxic medication
  • Certain ear diseases like Otosclerosis
  • Ear Infections
  • Hereditary reasons
  • Impacted earwax
  • Fluid buildup in the middle of the ear
  • Physical Head Injury
  • Autoimmune Disorder

What Makes Untreated Hearing Loss a Serious Health Issue This might come as a surprise to you but an untreated hearing loss is considered as a serious health issue since it can lead to other health problems, some of them even acute in nature. Here are all that can go wrong if hearing issues are left untreated:

  • Negative nature, anger, and constant irritability
  • Depression - both in nascent and acute forms
  • Fatigue, tension and stress
  • Dementia or acute memory loss
  • Loss of concentration
  • Self-seclusion or withdrawal from social life
  • Constant loneliness and or social rejection
  • Increased risk to personal safety due to lack of alertness
  • Inability to learn new concepts and tasks
  • Reduced performance in the job
  • Reduced mental and physical health

Hearing Aids and Assistive Hearing Equipments: Dedicated Solution to Hearing Issues If you have been suffering from similar hearing issues, a hearing aid can be your best friend in such a scenario. So let’s understand,

What is a Hearing Aid? A Hearing Aid is a small electronic device that the patient can wear behind their ear. Its function is to amplify the intensity of the sounds so that a person with hearing difficulty can easily listen. Hence, communication is made easier and the subject can hear as clear as a regular person.

What is the mechanism of working of a hearing aid? A hearing aid works with the help of 5 key components:

1. Microphone: Picks up sound from the air and converts it into digital signals

2. Microchip: Present in high-end hearing aids. Customizes hearing solution

3. Amplifier: Strengthens the digital signals

4. Battery: Powers the hearing aid

5. Receiver: Converts digital signals into sound vibrations

Types of Hearing Aids and How to Choose the Right One Choosing the right hearing aid for your needs can be a bit confusing simply because there are multiple types or variants available in the market today. Here’s a look at the types of hearing aids that one can go for and the use of casa es in which they are most suitable so that you can choose the best possible one for your needs:

  1. Behind the Ear (BTE) Hearing Aids

As the name suggests, this type of hearing aid rests behind the ear with the help of tubing or wire and sends the amplified sound into your ear.

close-up of a man ear with a behind-the-ear-hearing device
Suitable for: Patients with a mild and moderate level of hearing loss issues.

  1. In the Ear (ITE) or In the Canal (ITC) Hearing Aids

These hearing aids completely fit into your ears since they have their working parts in the ear mould. Hence, they are less visible as compared to Behind the Ear hearing aids.


Suitable for: Patients with mild and moderate hearing loss who want a subtle hearing solution.

  1. Completely in Canal (CIC) Hearing Aids

These hearing aids completely fit into the ear and are accompanied with very less visibility. The small size means less in terms of technology as features like hearing loop are lacking


Suitable for: Mild to moderate hearing loss such as the ones due to injury or old age.

  1. Invisible in the Canal (IIC) Hearing Aids

This type of hearing aid comes with virtually no visibility since they are fitted right into the ear canal and can be mostly removed by an audiologist.


Suitable for: People with mild to moderate hearing loss including Presbycusis and infection.

  1. Body-Worn Hearing Aids

As the name suggests, these can be clipped onto your clothes or be easily put in your pocket. This apparatus is then connected to an ear mould via a lead or soft tip.


Suitable for: Patients, especially seniors, who have both hearing and sight issues since it may be difficult for them to use small buttons.

  1. CROS/BiCROS Hearing Aids

CROS hearing aids pick up sound from the side of the ear with no hearing and feed the same into the hearing ear. BiCROS aids amplify the sounds from both the directions and feed the same into the best ear. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Suitable for: Patients, especially seniors, with one working and one non-working ear.

  1. Bone Conduction Hearing Aids

This type of hearing aid delivers the sound directly to the cochlea (the organ for hearing). This is done by imparting vibrations through the skull.


Suitable for: Patients with a Conductive hearing loss.

General FAQs About Hearing Aids

  • What is the average cost of a hearing aid? Hearing aids come in a range of prices. The products on our website start from about INR 3,000 and go up to about INR 13,000 with the average cost lying about INR 8,300.
  • What is the lifespan of a hearing aid? The average life expectancy of a hearing aid lies around 5 years. Though it mostly depends on the brand that you’re opting for.
  • What is the life expectancy of a hearing aid battery? You can refer to the following chart for the information -


  • How do you Change the Battery in a Hearing Aid? The battery of a hearing aid can be inserted or changed in 4 simple steps as given below: Screenshot_1
  • Do you have to have a prescription to get a hearing aid? If you want the hearing aid to work in the best possible way for you, yes it needs to be prescribed by a medical practitioner, and preferably a hearing care specialist.

Features of an Ideal Hearing Aid An ideal hearing aid must tick as many boxes as possible in the following list of crucial features:

  • Telecoil: To boost the sound signals through a magnet
  • Digital Feedback Suppression: To suppress any secondary interfering sound
  • Digital Noise Reduction: To cut down on unwanted background noise
  • Directional Mic: To receive the sound from the required direction
  • Low Battery Indicator: To know the ideal time to change the battery
  • Volume Control: To adjust the volume according to the hearing ability
  • Wax Guard: To protect the device from accumulated ear wax
  • Data Logging: To keep track of usage statistics like time
  • Memory: To remember the ideal configurations set by the user
  • Audio Input: To receive the sound from the surroundings
  • Wireless Connectivity: To facilitate maximum freedom of movement
  • Frequency Shifting: To adjust to the varying wavelength of sounds
  • Remote Control: To control the device with ease and accuracy

Important Things to Know while Buying Hearing Aids There are some important points that you should know about hearing aids before you invest in them. Here’s a look: 1. There is a complete list of Do’s and Don’ts that should be followed while choosing the most appropriate headphones: Before you opt for a hearing aid, get a proper hear inspection done from a doctor, preferably an audiologist.

  • Learn about the best type of hearing aid for you depending on your condition.
  • Learn how to use the hearing aid properly by understanding every feature.
  • Learn how to maintain the product to prolong its lifespan.

2. Many hearing aids come with loss and damage warranties which can range anywhere between 1 to 3 years. This can also be coupled with a repair warranty. Whatever the case, make sure that your product comes with some sort of warranty to have a safety net. 3. Some products also come with a trial period. This is the period for which you can use the hearing aid and still return it if your ear is not able to adjust to it. 4. Proper ear wax management has to be carried out by the user so that the apparatus is not clogged. A device with an accompanying wax guard can also be preferred. 5. If you don’t want the hassle of adjusting the volume of the hearing aid according to the environment that you’re in, products with automatic volume control can be preferred.

When Do You Need a Hearing Aid Opting for a hearing aid or visiting the audiologist becomes a necessity when you notice the following changes in your daily activities due to hearing issues:

  • You find yourself often isolated or in an ignoring mood more than often
  • Your social activities are at a constant decline
  • You feel like people are mumbling when they speak
  • You cannot keep track of a conversation when multiple people are talking
  • You cannot understand normal speech even with little background noise

Top Hearing Aids to Buy

1. Beurer HA 20 Hearing Amplifier

Beurer HA20 Hearing Amplifier is a device that amplifies the volume of all sounds indoors and outdoors and helps you hear better. It amplifies the sounds and then transmits them to the ear. If you want to watch a film, chat with friends or just feel like listening to the sounds of nature in the woods, the hearing amplifier will help you hear sounds louder and clearer. It is barely visible due to the ergonomic fit behind the ear. The personal sound amplifier has three attachments that can be used as per the user’s requirements. It effectively amplifies the volume and provides you unmatched hearing experience.

2. Hearing Aid Axon V 185 - MCP

MCP presents Hearing Aid (V 185 BTE) designed to make life simpler for people with hearing impairment of any nature. This lightweight hearing amplifier is battery operated and very easy to operate. It is very small in size and almost not visible while wearing. Its power saving technology makes maximum usage of the battery and can work for many days, which makes it an economical choice. Hearing aids allow improved listening to your surrounds such as simple things around you, computer noise, footsteps etc. and increases confidence in people with hearing disability.

3. F 18 Pocket Model Hearing Aid (1 Piece) - Axon

The simple design of Axon F 18 Pocket Model Hearing Aid by Axon makes it comfortable for wearing, and it is almost invisible. Besides, it cancels the unwanted noise. It has a sleek design, and the power-saving technology makes the maximal usage of the ag13 button battery possible. It is battery operated and works smoothly for days.

4. Pocket Sound Enhancement Amplifier Hearing Aid (V-99) - Axon

Axon presents Hearing Aid (V-99) designed to make life simpler for people with hearing impairment of any nature. This lightweight hearing amplifier is battery operated and very easy to operate. Its power saving technology makes maximum usage of the battery and can work for many days, which makes it an economical choice. Hearing aids allow improved listening to your surrounds such as simple things around you, computer noise, footsteps etc. and increases confidence in people with hearing disability.


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