Easy Gardening Tips & Tools for Seniors

Easy Gardening Tips & Tools for Seniors

As a senior citizen, you know how important it is to remain active. Being able to go outside to enjoy the fresh air is a great feeling, and a great way to get your daily dose of the great outdoors is gardening. Gardening has many unexpected health benefits and has been known to relieve stress, act as a moderate form of exercise, and even help to cope with depression! While it has a number of great benefits, tending to a garden can put a lot of stress on the body, particularly as we age. Thankfully, there are a lot of great tools and gadgets that make gardening a safe and fun activity for people of all ages!

easy gardening tips & tools for seniors


  • Choose plants wisely. Choosing plants that are easy to maintain and able to withstand a variety of conditions is essential for an easy gardening experience. This ultimately makes gardening less strenuous overall. Plants that require the least amount of attention and maintenance include French Lavender, which is a beautiful, fragrant, and low maintenance plant that doesn’t require much water.
  • Use perennials instead of annuals. Planting perennials are recommended because you won’t have to worry about planting more of the same plant each year. If they are properly cared for throughout the season, they will grow back the following year.
  • Think about timing. Timing is important when it comes to gardening. Work early in the morning or later in the evening because these times tend to be cooler and you’ll avoid the harsh summer heat. Also make sure to work in shade as much as possible during a sunny day, and take breaks as you feel necessary to prevent overheating.
  • Garden small. For a more manageable project, try container gardening, which is essentially planting into a pot or a container of your choice. This is beneficial for the elderly especially because the garden can be placed virtually anywhere, and easily accessible at all times. Remember to use lightweight containers for extra-easy handling.


  • Small Seat Use a stool or a chair that will save your legs from having to squat down and plant.
  • Fruit Catcher Using a ladder to pick fruits can be a daunting task. A lightweight and adjustable fruit catcher is the perfect tool to pluck those far-to-reach fruits at the top.
  • Marked Tools Make the handles of each gardening tool stand out from each other for easy identification. Wrapping colored tape around them is an easy solution.
  • Garden Gloves Use specialized gloves which can prevent damage to your fingers and fingernails while conducting various tough tasks in your garden. They can also make planting much less messy!
  • Lightweight Mower Mowers are essential to give your garden a well-trimmed and neat look but are often heavy and rigid. Use a lightweight Mower with rubber wheels and an adjustable handle, and prevent undue stress to your back.
  • Watering Gear Use a sprinkler to water plants in your garden instead of using a heavy watering can, which can cause injury to the back, arms and shoulders.

Whether in a backyard or window boxes at a nursing home, senior citizens of all walks of life can take part in the activity of gardening this season safely and effectively. Always remember to know your limit and stop when you get tired, but most of all, have fun and enjoy all the benefits of gardening!     To receive more engaging updates from us on a daily basis, subscribe to our WhatsApp channel:https://bit.ly/2mxgGRk  

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