5 Innovative Safety Gadgets for Seniors

5 Innovative Safety Gadgets for Seniors

How many of us worry about leaving our old parents and relatives alone at home? We are worried not only for their safety (after all, we are hearing so many stories about seniors being robbed) but also about whether they are taking their medicines on time and are comfortable in general. Earlier, it was worrisome and difficult to leave older adults at home alone, but not today. With the help of advanced technology, you can now ensure the safety of senior family members even when they are alone at home.

In this article, we will see how one can ensure the safety of elders at home, or if you are a senior citizen and already living alone, you will feel safe and comfortable with the help of some of the innovative gadgets.


Make Seniors Feel Safe at Home with Senior Alert Systems

Well, it is quite common, people saying, we were calling grandma/pa or mom and dad, the phone was ringing, but they didn’t pick up; this incident worried them so much that they rushed back home immediately. Or that their (grand)parents were found walking somewhere in the neighborhood when they were missing at home for hours.

Haven’t we heard of these stories?

Well, now with the help of elderly safety you can easily track their whereabouts. Take a look at FIND - Never Lose Anything device. Keeping this in their pocket or adding it to their car keys or mobile phones would help you track their location on your smartphone device.

The next device that we want to share with you is interesting! If you are worried about your parents or grandparents getting robbed then a personal alarm with a torch is just what you need. Pulling the cord will raise an alarm that can be heard by the neighbours who can come to the rescue. The torch also helps them see better when they walk through dimly lit neighbourhoods.


Completing Daily Tasks for Seniors Made Easy

Be it a medicine dispenser, charging your mobile, or just getting in and out of a car, sometimes, these simple tasks are quite challenging to complete with aging bones and impaired mobility.

For seniors, it is difficult to hold the handle of a car and pull it to get inside or out of the car. Most often, one has to handhold them to complete such simple tasks. Now there are simple devices which can help. For instance, a portable car handle will do the magic for you as it gives you the support and stability that you need while getting in and out of the car. Now you have no excuse of getting out of the house to socialize!

At times, seniors worry about charging or they forget to take out the charger from the charging port, which overcharges the phone.  Over-charging phones could also lead to heating up of phones, which could lead to a major mishap. Worry not, we’ve got you covered. An innovative charger with timer is the product that can make you worry-free as it saves the mobile phone from getting overcharged. Now, you can set a timer safely in between 0 to 5 hours, and it automatically shuts down in the set time

While we are on the topic of phones, how can we miss talking about the ill-effects of electromagnetic waves emitted by our mobile devices? It is important to keep oneself away from electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves are the radiation or waves emitted from mobile devices, tablets, TV, and WiFi routers, etc. Such waves are harmful to health and have an adverse effect on the body.

A small and simple elderly safety device such as Radisafe will ensure you stay protected from such harmful waves emitted from mobile devices and other such devices. Radisafe absorbs the waves and neutralizes them. Not just that, it also reduces the heat generated from electronic gadgets such as a mobile, tablet, TVs, laptops, microwaves, etc.

What makes Radisafe more innovative is the fact that it does not interfere with the reception of mobile network signals.

You can log on to www.seniority.in to find more such products to keep your seniors safe. healthy, and independent. Give them the freedom that they crave for by gifting them such small yet useful devices. 

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